Finnish Language - Lesson 7: This and that

Mikä tämä on? What is this?

Se on paperi (paper)
Se on kynä (pen)
Se on kirja (book)
Se on pöytä (table)
Se on tuoli (chair)
Se on tietokone (computer)
Se on ikkuna (window)
Se on ovi (door)

Mikä tuo on? What is that?
Se on lamppu (lamp)

3 pronouns:
Tämä which means “this”
Tuo which means “that”
Se which means “this” or “that”

Avaa ikkuna!: Open the window!
Sulje ovi!: Close the door!

Yksikko (singular) Monikko (Plural)
Sieni: sienet
Mushroom: mushrooms

Sieni : -i, -e, vanha (4000 vuotta), originaali suomalainen sana. Ei lainasana.
Because “sieni” is an old, original finnish word from 4000 years ago, the “i” gets replaced by “e” when you add something to the end of the word. In this case you are adding “t” to indicate plural so the i becomes e. It is not a loaned word.

These are examples of loaned words:

Paperi: paperit
Tuoli: tuolit

Uida (to swim)
Person  - Positive - Negative
Minä - uin - en ui
Sinä - uit - et ui
Hän - ui - ei ui
Me - uimme - emme ui
Te - uitte - ette ui
He uivat - evät ui


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